Hawkeye761's Blog   
 Ride Stats
Time: 02:22:55 Route: Swamp Rabbit Trail Distance: 27.29 miles
Avg Speed: 11.46 mph Max Speed: 22.40 mph Altitude Gain: 686 ft
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Surly Straggler Touring Club: Clydesdales
Weather Conditions: Clear skies with temps from 83 to 77 degrees, humidity from 75 to 95%, and winds from 3 to 5 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, July 18, 2019  Next Blog >>
 Concert Ride
I drove to the tennis courts at Cleveland Park And rode a little before meeting Ken and Steve S. As we were leaving another rider called out - his name was Allen. We headed up the trail and met Don H and Lynda at Linky Stone Park. We headed up the trail, but we were missing Don. We had passed an old Parks system building that has been sold and converted to an event center and there was a barbecue truck out back. They had it set up in a restored REO truck and Don had stopped to admire it. At the street before the Swamp Rabbit Cafe, another rider passed me in the intersection without announcing himself and didn’t have room to make it and pulled across my front wheel. He is aware that there’s an older bigger rider that is looking for him! The rest of the ride up was uneventful. Allen decided to go to TR before the concert. Ken and I sat on the front row and the concert was very good. It was mostly movie tunes that were all written by John Williams.

After the concert Don and Lynda headed back for town, allen putzed around a bit then decided to try to catch them, while Ken, Steve, and I headed to TR. Ken decided to go to McDonalds. I don’t know why McDonalds can’t hire someone that can work the register, but they can’t. Every item has to have them look up a manager to show them what to do. The store is a nice looking store, which most McDonalds look like trash, but their people are pitiful. I finally got a regular burger and fries with ice water.

The ride down the trail was fairly uneventful.


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  Hawkeye761   click to learn more about premier membership

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Lifetime: 41,404 mi
Member No. 36528
Member since: Aug 2009
Home: Greenville, SC 
Surly Straggler
Touring Road bike

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