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Phoenix,  Arizona  85001

The Bull Shifters Bicycling Club is dedicated to both fun and fitness on a bike. We are a recreational club that rides a little faster and a little farther than the typical non-racing club. We meet every Saturday and Sunday morning throughout the year. Our rides range between 40 and 100 miles with a breakfast stop for those who like to eat and socialize. We do a variety of rides each month exploring most parts of the Valley. Rides are chosen each month at our club meeting by those attending. Club meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Chino-Bandido, 7 P.M., northwest corner of 19th Avenue & Greenway Parkway. Call our ride line, (602) 862-6262, or follow the link for Upcoming Rides & Bull Shifter Events for more information.
The club offers two groups with which to ride; the CanniBULLs and the CapaBulls. The CanniBulls are a race pace group that average over 22 mph. The CapaBulls are a more moderately paced group that average 18-22 mph on flat terrain. The CapaBulls regroup at prearranged points on every ride. A ride leader is designated for each ride. The ride leader acts as a guide and shepherd for the CapaBULL group. Helmets are required to ride with the Club.
Our club rides start from the parking lot located at the southwest corner of I-17 and Thunderbird Road. Turn south at the first traffic light west of I-17 (at the McDonalds restaurant) to enter the parking area. Our ride start times are approximately 1/2 hour after sunrise. This allows most people to ride to the start location without the need for lights. Check the ride line or this web site for current start times.
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
14 club members, club admin: scar
Member Location Primary Club Primary Bike
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2025 miles
1 AlpineDreamer Phoenix, AZ Phoenix Metro Bicycl.. Trek 5000 road 0
2 Cipo_fan Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Trek 5200 road 0
3 imonfire Casa Grande, AZ Phoenix Metro Bicycl.. Orbea Orca Dura .. 0
4 jw Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Principia REX PRO ro.. 0
5 kgride Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Independent Fab Cro.. 0
6 ladyjai Phoenix, AZ International Christ.. LeMond Sarthe roa.. 0
7 larryshw premier member Scottsdale, AZ Narragansett Bay Whe.. Bacchetta Pronto.. 623
8 Lou_Cook Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Trek 5200 road 0
9 nosebleed Prescott, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Cruzbike swb recumb.. private
10 PhxCycler Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Giant OCR C0 road 0
11 psychling1 Prescott, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Cruzbike swb recumb.. private
12 Psycling Cave Creek, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Klein Quantum Race r.. 0
13 scar Phoenix, AZ Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Giant OCR one road 0
14 Steveaz Arizona Bull Shifters Bicycl.. Wilier road 0

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