Anquetil63 member offline [2 comments]
Ways to connect: visit my website: http://www.cafepress.com/cccchallenge
Modesto, California
Club Affiliation: Commuter Cycling Century
Member Since: April 2006 5 Year Distance Chart
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
2025 Rank: currently unranked
Lifetime Odometer: 5,810 miles

click to enlarge
Cheers Anquetil, you won the Tour the year I was born.

Who knew years later I would be riding the Gitane just to get to work at the drug store.

I have been a bicycle commuter since 1969 when I started riding to school on a small blue English single speed with a rack and fenders.

Why give up what you started in 1969? 
click to enlarge 2006 Novara Transfer
26" Comfort bike
Description:  I bought this bike new from REI in Spring 2006 to use as bait to try to lure other people of all ages and cycling experince into giving bicycle commuting a try. I am currently trying to work out the details on a program I'm calling "The Commuter Cycling Century" that would encourage people to bike to work on at least 100 days in a 12 month period.

Lifetime Odometer: 2,871.8 miles

click to enlarge 2005 Jamis Eclipse
Road bike
Description:  I bought this bike new from the Bicycle Chef in Sacramento on January 21, 2007. I think this bike may have been made just for me. I am glad to have found her. I will call her Bella Notte.

Lifetime Odometer: 874.0 miles

click to enlarge 1970 Gitane Tour de France
Road bike
Description:  Anquetil's bike. I bought this bike used in 1980. We did not win the Tour together except in a dream.

Lifetime Odometer: 1,103.4 miles

1971 Schwinn Twin
Touring Road bike
Description:  Schwinn Twin down from the barn to put my six year old on the back.

Lifetime Odometer: 47.0 miles

click to enlarge 2000 Marin Point Reyes
700c Hybrid bike
Description:  Garage sale find, at $65 I could not pass up a ride with so much smile potential.

Lifetime Odometer: 364.5 miles

click to enlarge 1975 Peugeot PR10
Road bike
Description:  Port Orford special. Very French.

Lifetime Odometer: 58.0 miles

click to enlarge 2003 Schwinn Panther
26" Comfort bike
Description:  This bike was bought for only $29 at Target on closeout, it almost made me cry to see any bike priced that low. It reminds me alot of my old Typhoon and is fun to ride with a child seat on the back for my son Ben.

Lifetime Odometer: 124.4 miles

click to enlarge 1991 Trek 800
XC Mountain bike
Description:  The bike began as a mountain bike and over the years became sort of a commuter hybrid. The bike has a rear rack, full fenders from Bike Planet, a basket attached to the rack for my brief case, and a basic computer. This bike has fallen into limbo because of the new Novara Transfer.

Lifetime Odometer: 92.7 miles
No planned events for 2025

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