jubal117 member offline
Ways to connect: n/a
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
Club Affiliations: Clydesdales
Harrisburg Bicycle Club
Lancaster Bicycle Club
Commuter Cycling Century
Member Since: June 2007 5 Year Distance Chart
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
2025 Rank: currently unranked
Lifetime Odometer: 4,203 miles

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Started riding seriously when I bought my first real bike in 1990, it was a Miyata 414. I was 13 and saved my money for 1 1/2 to buy it. I put thousands of miles on that bike from 1990-1994, when I got my drivers liscense. I gave up biking pretty much completly till 2 years ago. I bought a Trek 7200 hybrid, which was too small, and I started riding a little. I commuted to work a little bit but nothing major.

In 2006 I started commuting more, then I was cutting up a tree and it a big piece rolled onto my leg and I tore my calf muscle. I didn't ride much after that.

2007 rolled around and I realized that now that I am 30 I should really do something about my weight. It was getting out of hand, when I saw that I was 280, I quit smoking and got on my bike. I now commute everyday and ride an extra 50-100 miles a week depending on how much time I have. I have lost 25 pounds since April, and have quit smoking.

2009 Raleigh Mojave 8.0
Hardtail XC Mountain bike

Lifetime Odometer: 105.6 miles

2005 Trek 3700
Hardtail XC Mountain bike
Description:  My wife's bike, only use it if my others aren't working.

Lifetime Odometer: 896.4 miles

1996 Trek Mountain Track 820
XC Mountain bike

Lifetime Odometer: 1,858.7 miles

1989 Miyata 414
Road bike

Lifetime Odometer: 6,058.3 miles
No planned events for 2025

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