lotusstone member online
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Campbell, California
Club Affiliation: Commuter Cycling Century
Member Since: July 2009 5 Year Distance Chart
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
2025 Rank: currently unranked
Lifetime Odometer: 4,885 miles

click to enlarge
I have been riding since a child. I dont remember all my bikes over the years, or had very many epic rides, but riding has always been a part of my life. And with the exception of a broken toe at the age of 8, being on a bike has been the cause of all of my major bodily injuries.

CA 9: landed hard enough to completely remove the skin over half of my left knee.

Upstate NY 11: Whilst riding foolishly down a *Very* (in my child mind at least) steep hill through traffic, I neglected to notice there was a red light half way down. circumventing cross traffic led me to the oncoming traffic lane, avoiding those cars led me to a steep curb which my bike did not want to tango with. the inside of my thigh was black and blue for weeks, luckily I only had minor cuts and abrasions.

CA 13: The day before I started in a new school a neighbor kid let me borrow his father's 10 speed (some of our belongings were still in transit from the move from NY) to ride over to the school so I could check it out. On the way back, the front tire, low on air pressure, stopped on an over large lip from the roadway to a driveway. I went over the drop bars, one of which went through my leg. After getting to the hospital for several stitches and seeing several cute nurses, my father made me go and clean up the neighbor's bike...

CA 33: After a delightful tea at Peet's and a ride in light drizzle, I was hopping the front wheel of my MTN bike over the lip of my driveway (I have an aversion to those kind of transitions for some reason now). When I went to pull up on the handle bars, I failed to move my hands from the brakes. The bike stopped. I did not. As I floated for a split second, my pull quickly brought me back down upon the handle bar. Like a graceful ballerina, I balanced upon the handle bars up the driveway for about 15 feet, arms now spread for balance. The approaching mini-van gave me worry, so leaning towards the grass, I made my dismount. A bruised arm and a broken rib were my prizes this time around.

CA 34: Narrowly avoided D00M on a morning commute into work, as someone in a pick-up truck decided to back up from a stop sign with me on bike about 10 feet behind, without looking in his rearview. I was almost completely off my bike and in the bed of his truck before he noticed the screaming.

It has only been in the last 2 years that I have seriously gotten back into riding since my early college days. Now a part of my life I cant really see being without.
click to enlarge 2010 Scott Addict R2
Road bike
Description:  Purchased November 22nd, 2010 from Tread Bikes in Campbell, CA.

Lifetime Odometer: 2,159.6 miles

click to enlarge 2000 Trek 4500
Hardtail XC Mountain bike

Lifetime Odometer: 2,549.2 miles

26 x 1.75 Maxxis Overdrive, front, 2,549 miles
26 x 1.75 Maxxis Overdrive, rear, 2,549 miles
SRAM  8 speed, 2,033 miles

click to enlarge 1997 Della Santa 
Road bike
Description:  E. Sorensen's

Lifetime Odometer: 52.6 miles

click to enlarge 2010 Scott Addict R2 rental
Road bike
Description:  58cm rental from Tread

Lifetime Odometer: 93.9 miles

click to enlarge 2009 Raleigh Grand Sport rental
Road bike
Description:  Rental from Wooden Ski and Wheel

Lifetime Odometer: 51.3 miles
No planned events for 2025

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