wakeby member offline
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Forestdale, Massachusetts
Club Affiliations: Commuter Cycling Century
F.F.O.G.G. Pacing (Fat Fun Old Gray Guys)
New England Mountain Bike Association
Pomeranian Walkers
Cape Cod Cyclist
Road Category: Citizen
CX Category: Citizen
Member Since: January 2007 5 Year Distance Chart
2025 Miles Traveled: 0
2025 Rank: currently unranked
Lifetime Odometer: 7,938 miles

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I've been riding for over 25 years. I ride on the road and off road depending on the season.

My groups gets out at night on singletrack at least once a week, 52 weeks a year. I love riding singletrack at night with lights.

About 5 years ago, I got burned out road riding, and rode exclusively off road for a while. In 2007, after a three year hiatus, I went back on the road.

I commute by bike 15 miles each way when possible, and I am getting to the point where the bike commute is the same time as the drive. I get a kick out that.

I have done the the Pan Mass Challenge 6 times, in tribute to my sister Kathy who died 12/26/06 after a 7 year battle with ovarian cancer. Last year I rode the Harpoon B2B ride for the first time, and I am looking forward to this year's B2B in June. Photo is of Buddy my loyal Pomeranian.  
2008 Specialized TriCross Expert
Cyclocross Road bike
Description:  Picked this up secondhand from a riding buddy, great bike. Plan on using this for commuting, poorer weather riding, fire roads, etc.

Lifetime Odometer: 195.7 miles

2008 Cannondale Rush
Full Susp XC Mountain bike
Description:  Borrowed this from Dave as I sold the '99 SJ, then broke the '01 SJ. Great bike.

Lifetime Odometer: 15.0 miles

2007 Specialized S-Works Roubaix SL
Road bike
Description:  A new bike. The venerable Litespeed Classic is now retired after 10 years. All carbon, Dura-Ace drivetrain.

Lifetime Odometer: 4,977.0 miles

2007 Ellsworth Truth
Full Susp XC Mountain bike
Description:  Picked up a frame secondhand, ended up breaking the '01 SJ frame a few days later, so swapped over the parts to have a bike. Sold the '99 SJ to Edwards.

Lifetime Odometer: 123.5 miles

2001 Specialized Stumpjumper M4
Full Susp XC Mountain bike
Description:  I had 2000 a SJ M4 but I broke the frame. Specialized replaced with an '01 frame, cool color, Dream Silver. I built it up with Talas fork, Chris King hubs, Juicy 5's, SRAM drivetrain, SRAM triggers, Thomson post and stem, Easton straight bars, and an older Race Face CF crankset. Sort of an anti-Shimano thing.

Lifetime Odometer: 1,599.6 miles

1999 Merlin 
Cyclocross Road bike
Description:  I bought this used from a welder who worked at Merlin in Massachusetts before they were bought out and relocated to Tennessee. I believe only 3 were made. He made this for himself. Cannondale Fatty HeadShok, Dura-Ace drivetrain, Thomson swept back post, Easton CF straight bars, XT RapidFire shifters. It has become my winter beater road bike.

Lifetime Odometer: 103.8 miles

1999 Longbikes Vanguard
LWB Recumbent bike
Description:  I spotted this one in the local classifieds a few years ago. LWB, USS. Is the Longbikes version of the legendary Ryan Vanguard. I bought it on impulse, but this is by far the most comfortable and pleasant bike I have ever ridden. 105 triple with a long cage XT rear derailleur.

Lifetime Odometer: 84.0 miles

1999 Specialized Stumpjumper FSR XC
Full Susp XC Mountain bike
Description:  The backup mtb in case my #1 has a mechanical. Also I keep the studded tires on it during winter for when the snow flies.

Lifetime Odometer: 197.0 miles

1994 Merlin Newsboy
Hardtail XC Mountain bike
Description:  Frame #72, from tne original Cambridge, MA Merlin factory. Very cool bike. I redid it with Race Face CF cranks, Spinergy wheels, Easton CF post and bars, SRAM drivetrain, Time ATAC CF pedals. Internal cable routing for the rear U-brake. Original Rolls perforated saddle with gold trim and Manitou Three elastomer front suspension fork.

Lifetime Odometer: 0.0 miles

1994 Univega Alpina 5.5
Hardtail XC Single Speed Mtn bike
Description:  I took my old Univega and converted it to a SS with a Surly Singleator. For when I want to beat myself up a little.

Lifetime Odometer: 0.0 miles

Bike Friday Air Friday
Road bike
Description:  A folding travel bike with full Campy Chorus 10 speed group, Thomson post, 20" wheels. Folds up and packs into a regular suitcase that can be checked on to any airplane like regular baggage. I've been to Europe, Florida and many other places with this bike. A little slower but nice to always have your bike with you!

Lifetime Odometer: 492.2 miles
No planned events for 2025

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