Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 11.34 miles Time: 00:58:00 Max Speed: 25.10 mph
Avg Speed: 11.73 mph Temp: Min: 52
Avg: 53
Max: 55
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: on the Canal Weight: 236 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 180 W Calories Burned: 600 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Cruzbike 43lb-Sofrider a FWD, MBB,  SWB Bent Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: Overcast W/light Northerly winds;
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<< Prev Ride  Saturday, April 24, 2010  Next Ride >>
 a Quickening Pace
This week has flown by.
I've been hard pressed to get my daily bike ride.
There is too much to get done every day! So today ends a week with no work commutes. In a recent C4 forum contribution I finished with the observation that: "Work commutes are the easiest way to accumulate (cycling time and) bike miles!" Nobody has disagreed with that point so far...

To date I've reached 400 miles for the month. I'll be hard pressed to make it 600 miles by next Friday!! Thirty Four miles a day would get it done...

It was another dose of House and yard work necessity all day! Lopers and lawn mowing, and at mid-day a bottling operation of a Summer Lager, left little time to bike. I got this idea to ride the Cruzbike. The Cruzbike is an amazing ride. I plan to modify the bike to hopefully improve its performance capability.

I have been negotiating the purchase of a new crank for the Cruzbike. Part of the plan in upgrading the Cruzbike includes changing the single crank to a triple and adding a front dérailleur. Changing the 26 inch wheels to 700c. Another aspect of the modification, will involve changing the brakes from v-style to road style.

So I took the yet-to-be-upgraded Cruzbike for a spin on the towpath. It was another sunset ride. I went out to Brockport and back.

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