Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 1.62 miles Time: 00:08:50 Max Speed: 20.41 mph
Avg Speed: 11.00 mph Temp: Avg: 64
Category: general: touring - solo
Route:   Weight: 240 Altitude Gain: 65 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 106 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: team bikejournal
Weather Conditions: Sunny, 9 mph WSW wind Humidity 56%

Distance: 37.79 miles Time: 02:48:29 Max Speed: 34.08 mph
Avg Speed: 13.46 mph Temp: Avg: 64
Category: general: touring - group
Route: the RBC "40th Anniversary 10 Parks Tour" Weight: 240 Altitude Gain: 1,759 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 2,780 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: Bianchi Riders Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny, 9 mph WSW wind Humidity 56%
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<< Prev Blog  Sunday, May 25, 2014  Next Blog >>
 Half Version of the Ten Parks Tour
Covering 38 of the 58 miles assigned to the tour.
Upon my arrival at the ride start, Bruce said he almost gave up on me(showing). However I did arrive before the ride start. I was 9th to sign in. A good crowd had already assembled. There was one more arrival after me making the group a tenner! These folks were all hot gun fast, with most having hi-dollar bikes, except for me and a women who quit before we got to GVP.

A great ride with fantastic weather. Made great time, though nowhere near as quick as the main group. A very competitive group it was too! They were able to pull away everywhere but downhill. Feeling so good I did not need any stop-over along the way. I was able to play "Rabbit" for the main group, especially the 4 fastest riders. Not needing any rest stops, I passed them twice along the route. It seemed they worked extra hard to catch and pass me between their rest-stops.

I was quite happy with my output and was managing a faster time than a previous effort. Following the route with my Garmin Edge 200, I was nearly 12 minutes ahead of a previous average. My post ride weight was 239.6 -a long way from the 220's Doc Peterson would like me to reach.

With so much to do at home, I decided to abbreviate my participation. I covered a bit more than half the ride.

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