I've Got Something to Say   
 Ride Stats
Time: 00:41:35 Distance: 7.74 miles Max Speed: 26.00 mph
Avg Speed: 11.17 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft Route: home-work (Page Ave)
Weight: 0 Category: general: commute - solo Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Fuji Supreme 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: 66F Wind: WSW5

Time: 00:39:08 Distance: 7.69 miles Max Speed: 23.50 mph
Avg Speed: 11.79 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft Route: work-home (Page Ave direct)
Weight: 0 Category: general: commute - solo Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: Fuji Supreme 700c Hybrid Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: 85F Wind: SSW10
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<< Prev Ride  Friday, June 9, 2017  Next Ride >>
 You passed driving lesson #1.
Had an encounter with an inconvenienced motorist this morning on my ride to work. As I rode up Brown Road, approaching St Charles Rock Rd, there were to vehicles waiting for the thru light to change, which it did right as I stopped behind the second of the two cars. So, I then needed to get my momentum going again, up the slight incline before it plateaus across the intersection itself.

At that time another car approaches from behind. Since there’s no shoulder or such, before or after the intersection, I am deliberate about taking the lane through this section. As I clear the intersection, and remain in the lane to continue up (another little rise) Brown Rd the car behind me honks and hollers out the window that I’m in the middle of the road. To which I give her the thumbs-up signal for such a brilliant observation and to the fact that is where I am supposed to be in such circumstances. She continues to toot the horn & holler while I continue to spin, making my way up pass the next intersection (maybe 30 yards from the Rock Rd). I go pass that intersection and aim for the shoulder that begins on the other side. She turns right on that street and continues to holler something else at me, to which I give my can reply "LEARN TO DRIVE!" That sounded so cool echoing off the nearby buildings, so as she yammered on, I hollered again "LEARN TO DRIVE!" listening for my echo!

A block or two on down the road I was reflecting on that little incident, and came to the conclusion that the second time I hollered at her, I should have been more affirming for how she conducted herself. No, not her hollering and honking, but actually she drove and proceeded in the correct and prudent manner. She didn’t race around me, using the left turn lane for the McDonnald’s entrance as a passing lane. Nor did she speed around me to right hook me to complete her right turn before I cleared the intersection. She actually, though not necessarily patiently, waited for me to clear the intersection and then proceeded to turn and go on her way. So, in hindsight my second exchange to her should have been "NICE JOB! THANKS FOR WAITING FOR ME TO CLEAR THE INTERSECTION BEFORE MAKIN YOUR MOVE TO HEAD UP THAT STREET! YOU PASS LESSON NUMBER ONE OF TODAY’S DRIVING SCHOOL!" Or something like that…

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