2024 Journal - beertruck
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Ride Date Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
50.20 02:59:00 16.83 149 Road: Rolling CarBent Raven
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Surprisingly warm ride for NYD in CO (54F), but clouds came in and temps dropped rapidly. In aweful shape from MS/OH/Xmas, etc. Extremely slow on hills. Last road ride for a while, gall bladder surgery on Fri. 1100' vert, 72 rpm Cad, 58F ATemp. Felt like significantly more headwind than tailwind, but could be just the cold air.
15.70 01:00:00 15.70 143 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 1st ride after Covid, felt fairly bad still, tried to take it easy, but heat came on right after start, sweated gallons, even tried to take it easy. Pretty miserable ride. Avg"118W, Max:187W, NP:122W, IF:0.644, Cal:526, Cad:74, ATemp:68F
13.90 00:50:00 16.68 147 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Still getting over Covid, rode with a cough drop in mouth, better than last ride but still pretty miserable. Avg:133W, Max:191W, NP:137W, IF:0.724, TSS:43.4, Cal:485, Cad:73, ATemp:68. Again heat came on right after start. AW-AHr=--14
13.90 00:50:00 16.68 147 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Spinerval Climbing DVD before DG meeting, very time-constrained again, cough drop in mouth during ride. Avg:133W, Max:191W, NP:137W, IF:0.724, TSS:43.4, Cal:485, Cad:73, ATemp:68F, AW-AHr=-14
43.20 02:31:00 17.17 150 Road: Rolling CarBent Raven
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 1st ride this year without needing a cough drop. Chatfield ride on a overcast, cool (50F) afternoon, but NO WIND!! Least wind ever?! In horrible shape, zone 2 speed and racing heart rate is not a good combination.900' vertical, Cad:73, ATemp:52F
14.30 00:50:00 17.16 142 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Took it easy on Spinerval Climbing DVD, wasn't motivated in the slightest but no cough drop finally! Found an e-assist mode, Level -2. Avg:127W, Max:210W, NP:133W, IF:0.688, TSS:39.1, Cal:467, Cad:70, ATemp:67F, AW-AHr=-15
17.20 01:00:00 17.20 138 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Spinerval Climbing DVD, last ride before gallbladder surgey. Who know when I'll be able to ride again, hopefully less than a week. Avg:130W, Max:210W, NP:133W, IF:0.704, TSS:49.3, Cal:490, Cad:71, ATemp:67F, AW-AHr=-8
January Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
7 168.40 10:00:00 16.85 145 n/a n/a n/a
13.10 01:00:00 13.10 136 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 1st ride since surgery on 1/26. Took MUCH longer to recover than expected. Rode very easy at relatively low cadence to save surgery site. Lost so much form!!!! Ridiculously out of shape, have a LONG way to go before RAGBRAI. Avg: 92W, Max:116W, NP:93W, IF:0.484, TSS:24.2, Cal:433, Cad:67, ATemp:69F, AW-AHr:-44!
13.00 00:50:00 15.60 142 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 2nd post-surgery vomitron ride, slightly less horrifically pathetic. Avg:111W, Max:119W, NP:112W, IF:0.59, TSS:28.8, Cal:418, Cad:72, ATemp:67F, AW-AHr=-30!
35.10 02:09:00 16.33 152 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 1st post-surgery road ride. Intentionally started slow unintentionally sky high average heart rate. Pathetically slow on anything uphill, but intentionally did not push, flats were easier, luckily light wind! 800' vertical, 72rpm Cad, ATemp: 65F, was a beautiful day!
16.40 01:00:00 16.40 143 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Girdwood DVD, took it relatively easy but MUCH better than last week! Didn't push hills too hard (100+L*10-10). Avg:126W, Max:157W, NP:128W, IF:0.677, TSS:45.5, Cal:553, Cad:72,ATemp:69F, AW-AHr=-17
16.50 01:00:00 16.50 147 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: WT ride while I can, Avg:128W, Max:163W, NP:130W, 0.7, Cal:580, Cad:72, ATemp:68F, AW-AHr=-19
February Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
5 94.10 05:59:00 15.82 144 n/a n/a n/a
35.40 02:10:00 16.34 152 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Rode late afternoon on way out of town. Still recovering from surgery but beginning to feel better. Sky high heart rate. Cad:72, 800' vertical, ATemp:64F
36.70 02:17:00 16.07 146 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Rode WRGT on way to Flea; a user hostile rail trail; bridge has been out for years, road detour bridge is out, no restrooms at all, shit tons of debris. Still good to be able to ride in early March in northern OH. Speed bump forest is horrible! Impossible to make any speed! 500' vertical, ATemp:60F, Cad:72. Not a fun ride at all.
15.00 01:00:00 15.00 137 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tried riding on ancient WT in OH, very wobbily, guessed speed
40.60 02:27:00 16.57 152 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Allegheny River Trail from Franklin, PA. Yet another user hostile Rail Trail with NO restrooms and more menacing people on south end who'd prefer you not be there!! 1st $25 (TPU) flat tire... grrr Tons of debris at southern end before it went to gravel. Good brewery after ride at least. VERY flat trail, but moderate wind. 300' jumbo feet vertical. Sandy Creek connector was flooded, would have been VERY windy up there. Good brewery after ride. ATemp=63F, Cad:73
12.00 00:45:00 16.00 132 In: Stat other 
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Guessed heart rate, distance. Tried to ride in hotel gym in CLeveland but power kept going out on the bent stationary bike. Rode in dark at times.
16.50 01:00:00 16.50 142 In: Stat other 
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Actually got power to stay on during workout in hotel gym on bent stationary bike. 4 min on, 3 off intervals. Decent work out
43.80 02:41:00 16.32 151 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Rode at ART (Frankling) again on a sunny but blustery cool day, ATemp=54F. Had a 17 mph avg until I climbed up to the Sandy Creek trail. In terrible shape, impossible to get any speed at all. Wind was very variable 10-25+ mph. What should have been a tailwind last 5 miles was intermittent strong headwind. Not a fun ride, but a good workout. 500' vertical (on Sandy Creek). Cad=74
15.50 01:00:00 15.50 129 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Got up early to ride ancient, wobbily vomitron. Tried to do Carmichael Climbing II DVD. Stomach was not happy halfway through, but better by end. Something is better than nothing...
41.10 02:30:00 16.44 150 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tanglefoot Trail from New Houlka north into very variable headwind (15-30+ according to Wx). Horrendous at times, not bad at others, lots of crosswind from what was supposed to be dead on headwind. 600' vertical, ATemp=61F, very sunny, Cad:74. Legs felt very sluggish, no power on hills at all.
40.30 02:30:00 16.12 142 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Longleaf Trace on a partly sunny, cool (ATemp=63F), breezy (nowhere as gusty as yesterday (10-15SE increasing headwind). Felt like MUCH more climbing than yesterday but wasn't in theory (700'), RidewithGPS indicated it should have been closer to 1500'. Cad:74. Felt like riding thru mud still, no power at all on hills.
40.10 02:23:00 16.83 147 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tammany Trace ride on a sunny early spring afternoon (ATemp=70F). Still feel VERY slow but slowly getting slightly less sloth like. Trying to work on spinning; Cad=76. 200 jumbo vertical feet. Cockblocked 6 times, peed 4 times. Good CZ warm up.
30.00 01:48:00 16.67 147 Road: Flat CarBent Raven
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tammany Trace early morning, relatively cold (45F) at start, cold and clammy. Warmed up pretty quickly after 0900. ATemp=54F. Felt fairly slow again. Passed 1 tri-geek at end. Time constrained as always. Worked on spinning, when not pushing, Cad=76.
50.10 02:59:00 16.79 147 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tammany Trace ride from Abita Springs (farmers market) thru Mandeville (farmers market, twice) to Slidell and back on an initially cool (52F), clammy, but quickly warming morning. Beginning to finally feel slightly less sloth-like. Drafted a girl at 20 mph into Mandeville on return leg. Would have been over 17+ mph if no farmer markets. 300' jumbo vertical. Cad:77
March Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
13 417.10 25:30:00 16.37 144 n/a n/a n/a
30.90 01:48:00 17.17 145 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Early morning Tammany Trace ride before heading to CZ24 (later in week). VERY humid, warm (ATemp:73F). Worked on cadence (Cad:78) legs beginning to come around. 200'jumbo vertical.
32.40 01:57:00 16.62 137 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Day 1 CZ24. Found a paceline with Doug (KS) at start, VERY easy pace, later discovered it was a mild tailwind prior to a major headwind. Cad:75, ATemp:75F, 300 jumbo vertical. Last 15 miles into cross headwind on highway with intolerant traffic. NOT FUN!
51.70 03:00:00 17.23 137 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Day 2 CZ24 on a cool, clear, dry morning, waited a little for it to warm up. ATemp:72F, Cad:77. Only rode 52, not metric, afraid knees were gonna blow up, but they did ok. 400 jumbo vertical
47.90 03:29:00 13.75 124 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: CZ Day3. Started ride with John from Abita Springs on a Ti longwheel base bike. Rode at John's pace from start to LA-31, very easy pace, nice ride (20 miles). Then left LA-31 on shitty pavement into shitty headwind. Fucking miserable ride on 2nd half. How can the return leg be that much longer than the out leg? Most miserable ride in years! Cad:72, ATemp:78F, 500 jumbo vertical (3 I-49 overpassess)
37.20 02:35:00 13.75 124 Road: Flat CarBent Raven
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: 2 rides on Day 4 of CZ24; rode to Adopted Dog brewery then easy to Cafe 20.3 through Lafayette. Legs were sore from the death march on shitty pavement into shitty headwind the previous day. Felt ok going into Cankton bar. Then blocked by a house going into Scott. 300 jumbo vertical feet, Cad:74, ATemp:71F. Actually rained for a minute on a supposed 0% chance
50.40 02:56:00 17.18 141 Road: Rolling Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Early morning ride on Longleaf Trace from Jackson Rd. Started just in front of an organized run and bike club ride but was solo entire ride. Cad:76, ATemp:66F, 800 vertical. Legs were sore at end, but didn't ride too hard. Nice morning. Bass player (from run?) playing at bathroom.
41.10 02:22:00 17.37 141 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Tammany Trace from Playground expecting tornado damage in Slidell, but wasn't. Legs beginning to feel less pathetic. Worked on cadence, averaged 80 rpm! Cool start (55F), ended at 73F. Nice morning but lots of traffic at end. Wanted to get 50, but legs got tired dodging all the traffic.
30.50 01:45:00 17.43 144 Road: Flat Bacchetta CA 3.0 Disc
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Early morning after leaving Dad's on a VERY humid (Foggy), 73F morning. Legs beginning to feel half decent. Wasn't too hot, but sweat out gallons. Then drove to Sherman, TX, followed by storms then intestinal flu.. ;-( 200' vert, Cad:75
12.80 00:45:00 17.07 131 In: Trainer Bacchetta CA 2.0 700C
SWB Bent
MBBC (Manly Bulge Bicycle Club)
Comments: Was able to ride last Fri, but time VERY time constrained. Paid $50 for a ride in TX on Sat, rained out. Tried to ride Sun in CO, but intestinal flu. Tried to ride on Mon, recovery from flu. Finally able to get 45 mins on trainer, yet again time constrained, but in much less-bad shape than when I left CO. Avg:139W, Max:182W, NP:143W, IF:0.757, TSS:42.7, Cad:74. Cal:454, ATemp:70F, AW-AHr=+8
April Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
9 334.90 20:37:00 16.30 136 n/a n/a n/a
YTD Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Average Speed (mph) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
34 1,014.50 62:06:00 16.38 142 n/a n/a n/a
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