I miss u brutha!! WTF happened?? Now I have to find someone else willing to ride like a bat out of hell from the get-go to chase You left a lot of friends behind, probably more than you ever knew you had. YOU WILL BE MISSED!! RIP!!
posted by GPhillips on 1/12/2008 |
 Rest in peace Prince_lad. Although we never met or rode together, you will be missed by many friends and fellow riders.
posted by consularrider on 10/7/2009 |
 Rest in peace my friend. Long live the Salamander King!
posted by gpgottlieb on 10/8/2009 |
 We all miss ya Todd. It ain't the same without you. RIP buddy.
posted by TexomaTandem on 10/8/2009 |
We love you man.......
posted by jimburrow on 10/8/2009 |
 RIP, my friend. I'll miss your smiling face at LSR and FWBA rides.
posted by Bud_Bent on 10/8/2009 |
 I told of a CoM ride this summer when I rode too hard with the fast group. Todd, Gary and the rest came in to Maypearl after us and Todd said to me "watch out, you're going to hard, it's getting hot and we haven't got used to the heat yet" so true, I bonked with 12 miles left. No phone on me, waiting for someone to come by, of all people it was Todd. I was expecting an "I told you so" but I didn't get one. Thanks Todd for not making me feel like an idiot I said.
I wrote the above comment on the 6th or 7th and the very next day, in the mail I receive a metal salamander and a small metal bicycle. Out of the blue. Some of you will know the meaning behind the salamander. Me, I got chills.
posted by AlanAshe on 10/9/2009 |
Todd; thank you for taking time to pick me up and driving my sorry bums back to the parking lot. You may not remember but it was at the end of the club "Dill Road" ride before Cattle Baron. I was overheating, cramping and totally cooked. You took the time to drive to rescue me after you finished your ride. As we were driving back to the parking lot you made sure to tell me that sagging for any reasons could happen to anyone of us. Thank you. RoRo
posted by RoRo on 10/9/2009 |
Todd, we shared many rides and kilometers, even if I was eating your dust from waaaay behind on the vast majority of them. I watched you grow from strong to even stronger. You can't judge a cyclist by how they look, because you may not have looked like a racer boy, but you and Gary sure knew how to hang with the best of them, and of couse outlast them! You will always be deeply missed in Lone Star Randonneurs and there is NO ONE that can ever replace HOT TODDIE.
Sharon Stevens
posted by smst199 on 10/9/2009 |
 Todd, Thank you for teaching so much on the bike. Most importantly that sometimes you can have a training ride and that sometimes you just ride to ride. Please save me a spot on your bike rack. Your always going to live in my soul. I love you. tish
posted by TishTriGirl on 10/9/2009 |
Thank you Todd for spending some time teaching me a little bit about biking. You were too young to be yanked away from all of your friends so suddenly. All God's blessings to you---u deserve them.
posted by je_velo on 10/11/2009 |
Thanks Todd for all of the great rides and times.What a true friend I will miss you.RIP jpogue
posted by jpogue on 10/13/2009 |
.jpg) Todd,you were a good friend to Jerry and I and you will be greatly missed. You rode Peaster with us many a times and it will always sadden us that this happened on our watch. We love you Todd.
posted by BettyB on 10/26/2009 |