Ride Stats |
72.41 miles
Altitude Gain:
2,440 ft
Avg Speed:
16.13 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 161 bpm
Avg HR: 108 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Sunny 76 F SSW wind @ 10 mph |
Another great May day for riding. It got warm enough by eight AM that all I needed was the summer wear. Ride started on a scary note as I was leaving the hose a car passed me and I heard a tremendous crash. I couldn't place the direction that the noise came from and thought the car most have run over something. I continued a few yards to the highway and saw the cause of the noise. A pickup truck going up Odessa Hill had T-boned a turning SUV and spun it around and into a ditch. Both drivers appeared to be relatively okay. Stopped and picked up some of the larger debris and moved it out of the road. Headed up Old Odessa Hill and had a decent climb. Started pushing the big gears to the Junction to try to improve my time but started to feel some pain in the quads. Decided to back off into fat burning pace and continued on much slower. Rolled through the rollers to Van Etten at a comfortable pace and spun down the flat highway to Waverly. Climbed out of Waverly on Old 17 and at the top of the climb saw that O'Briens, the Restaurant at the Top the Hill, had closed up. Another local landmark soon to disappear I suppose. Descended into Chemung and saw two cyclists between there and Lowman. Crossed the freeway and returned to Elmira via Maple Avenue as was staying on mostly flat roads today. Decided to pass through Elmira on Lake Road and soon felt I had dropped into the rabbit hole. A variety of strange characters were about. I passed a man dressed in all black carrying a full-sized American flag on a staff over his shoulder walking down the street. Another middle-aged woman was crouching on the sidewalk and peeking around like a child playing hide-n-seek although she totally exposed and alone. I got lucky with the lights today and passed through the city fairly easy. I had pretty much rode into a headwind for fifty miles and things got much easier after I passed through Horseheads and started home down SR 14 with a strong tailwind. Legs were feeling good and started to do some speed work in the final ten miles. Got up to thirty-five at one of my sprint points and felt I am getting some speed back. Didn't have a very good average speed for such a flat course but burned through some fat and had a fairly good ride.
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