Ride Stats |
46.26 miles
Altitude Gain:
2,031 ft
Avg Speed:
15.33 mph
Chubb Hollow-Himrod
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 148 bpm
Avg HR: 121 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Sunny 72 F NW wind @ 12 mph |
Plan was to ride hard for at least an hour which included a few hundred feet of climbing. Started out well on the steep section of the first climb up Pine Street in Watkins. Kept good power on the pedals through the remainder of the moderate grade to haunted Irelandville and made an attempt to add some speed on the shallow grade to Reading Center. Plan didn't work out well as despite an actual effort the legs quit putting out power as soon as I hit the headwind. Thought I might recover but never did as the legs have had enough. Recovered a bit on the descent into Dundee and felt a little better on the gradual climb through Chubb Hollow. Got to turn out of the wind a little north of Himrod and occasionally had good speed with sections of tailwind. Got back out on SR 14 and tried to rally but was unable to do much in a strong crosswind. Enjoyed the downhill back into Watkins as I just coasted and enjoyed the sunshine and the view. Legs are tired but still really enjoyed being out on the bike. Life doesn't get much better than a long coasting downhill on a warm sunny day.
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