I've Got Something to Say   
 Ride Stats
Time: 03:28:47 Distance: 52.21 miles Max Speed: 23.60 mph
Avg Speed: 15.00 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft Route: Edwardsville/Madison County Trails
Weight: 255 Category: general: leisure - group Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Fuji Roubaix RC Road Club: None
Weather Conditions: low-70's to mid-90's Steady wind out of the S Partly cloudy
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<< Prev Entry  Saturday, July 26, 2014  Next Entry >>
 Fred Winters Park
A bit of a somber moment on today’s ride for me. While we do these trails frequently, we have noticed over the past year to year and a half of a park being developed adjacent to the Schoolhouse Trail just west of the tunnel under IL-159. We’ve seen the ground being graded, and then grass and plants installed and groomed, as well as a picnic area, and access to this area from the trail. Some of our conversations, as we’d ride by during the development, were that of curiosity about its location and access to the area – thinking that by the looks of it access was only from the trail, but turns out its large than we could see and there is access from near by roads.

Today as we rode by was the first time the sign installed by the trail entrance to the park, proclaiming it Fred Winters Park. Wow! That was the initial comment I made upon seeing the sign. One of the riders in our group queried about my exclamation and after stating I knew Fred, he followed-up asking if Fred was a good or bad person – I guess he wasn’t sure how to interpret my statements. I then went on to explain that Fred was the pastor of First Baptist Church Maryville that was shot, and died, during a church service a few years ago (5 years ago this past March to be exact). I further stated that my wife (Jacque) and I knew Fred from college, and that he and I, along with two others, were roommates in a campus leased apartment for most of one semester.

After doing a ‘Google’ search, I found out that "Fred Winters Park is a four acre park located off Duke Drive and West Main Street." Also found this article: Dedication of Fred Winters Park planned.

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