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 Ride Stats
Time: 04:05:19 Distance: 58.44 miles Max Speed: 38.50 mph
Avg Speed: 14.20 mph Altitude Gain: 0 ft Route: Elsah IL to Hardin IL
Weight: 261 Category: general: leisure - group Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Fuji Roubaix RC Road Club: None
Weather Conditions: upper 50's to upper 70's Wind; S20G29 humidity; 37% mostly cloudy
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<< Prev Ride  Saturday, April 12, 2014  Next Ride >>
 Against the wind.
It was great to do 20-24 mph for the ~15 mile trip between Brussels, IL and Hardin, IL, thanks to the stiff tailwind. However, after a nice brunch at Mel's Riverdock Restraunt, it was time to cross the bridge and head south into that ~20mph headwind for the ~16 mile ride to Pere Marquette, before continuing on south to Elsah where started our rdie. My average speed when arriving in Hardin (the first half of the day's ride0 was 15.6 mph - my avg speed at the end of the ride: 14.2.

Aside from the wind, the weather was just about perfect.

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