Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 53.07 miles Altitude Gain: 1,046 ft Avg Speed: 15.35 mph
Route: Capitol Rail Trail Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 154 bpm Avg HR: 119 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Overcast\Sunny 67 F NE wind @ 2 mph
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<< Prev Ride  Tuesday, May 21, 2024  Next Ride >>
 Off the Trail
Legs are still a bit worn down and didn't feel much like grinding out more flat miles on the Capital Trail. Decided to check out some roads suggested by a guy I rode with a couple of days ago. Still started at the trail head at Jamestown Settlement but took a road that runs mostly parallel to the trail for the first three miles. It avoids the dog walkers that frequent the first miles of the trail. Needed to get back on the trail to get across the river at mile seven and continued to mile eleven before exiting unto Wilcox Neck Road. It is a nice low traffic road with some light but very welcome rollers. It did have one short climb a few miles in. Turned left on Sturgeon Run Road and had a minor descent back to the rail trial at mile fifteen. Returned to the start then added on a few miles touring around on Jamestown Island Park. The roads are currently closed to cars during turtle breeding season. Apparently, they are Beatles fans and like to do it in the road. The roads are great for cycling except for some wooded bridges through some swampy sections that are real bone jarring. After returning from the island started out on the Colonial Parkway. Would love to ride this to Yorktown even though it had a rough pebbled surface. Unfortunately the twenty plus mile parkway is partial closed due to reconstruction. I may see how far I can ride on it later in the week. Rode a couple miles on it before following a bike path sign the took me off the parkway and onto some side roads. Returned to the start on route 31 that has above average shoulders fit for cycling. Got some slow miles in, did some exploring and stretched the climbing muscles a little.

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