Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 6.12 miles Time: 00:21:14 Max Speed: 30.62 mph
Avg Speed: 17.28 mph Category: general: testing - solo Route: INTERVALS around the block
Weight: 243 Altitude Gain: 413 ft Avg Power: 0 W
Calories Burned: 392 Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: Cycle Time Century
Weather Conditions:
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, March 10, 2015  Next Blog >>
 the Zurich 350ix modification
Testing some modifications done to the Zurich;
First outdoor ride this year -after a tune-up on the Zurich; I replaced the 19 tooth sprocket with a 16 tooth version. That improve the top end a bit. Removed a link from the chain in order to properly reposition the rear wheel. installed more robust tires(Michelin City reflective stripe 700x38c)

I had been intending to modify the drive system by changing the sprocket on the Nexus Hub. Seeing that changing the rear tire involved disconnecting the cable assembly for the hub, I called around to see if a 16 tooth sprocket was available. Bicycle Outfitters had one available. They're a quick jaunt over to Brockport. Russel the proprietor changed the sprocket while I waited... I finished getting the bike back together and took a spin this evening:

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