Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 11.55 miles Time: 01:06:00 Max Speed: 22.80 mph
Avg Speed: 10.50 mph Temp: Min: 40
Avg: 41
Max: 42
Category: general: leisure - solo
Route: on the Canal Weight: 238 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 137 W Calories Burned: 550 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: Dahon 32lb-Cadenza Folding Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: light rain, some Westerly winds 5-10mph;
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, March 25, 2010  Next Blog >>
 Reflecting on yesterday's accident
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Thinking about the freakishness of my wipe-out yesterday morning on the steel deck bridge, I am vowing to be doubly extra careful crossing that type of roadway! Icing on the bridge surface must have been the cause of my loss of control crossing the bridge.

I have no consciousness at all of the crash except for the back wheel sliding to the left just before I went down. I was traveling 12-14mph at the crash time.

I received some great emergency assistance and follow-up from Walker and Hilton fire departments. There are more people out there looking after me than I ever imagined. It's a bit startling to realize that people I don't know, know of me and my routines I am very grateful for the assistance from the volunteers that rescued me!

Here is a list of several individuals who made specific impressions on me of the ordeal:

First and foremost was Martin Maier -Head Mechanic at Hilton Central, friend, and Walker Volunteer Firefighter; When I became more aware of the situation, returning to consciousness while being strapped to a gurney, Marty was there on scene asking me if I wanted him to call Ginny. He gathered up my bike and helmet, took them in to the Hilton Transportation garage.

Greg Speer -Parma Town employee and Walker Volunteer Firefighter, former Chief; one of the first on scene, Greg called in the emergency to 911. Greg stopped by the house Wednesday night to see how I was doing. It was my understanding that he had actually been following directly behind me on while I was biking in the morning. I thought Greg was an eyewitness to the crash.

But according to Marty it was Tom O'Leary who was immediately behind me on the road. Tom was the eye witness to the accident, and first on the scene. Tom is associated with either Hilton or Walker Fire Department.

I am mostly unclear about the specific ambulance transport individuals. There was a man and a women by my side on the ride to the hospital. I'm not positive, but I think the man was an EMS employee of Monroe Ambulance. I don't recall his name. I remember being told I was being transported by the Hilton Volunteer ambulance. So I am a bit confused about the details.

The Women who rode in the ambulance was a Hilton volunteer. I believe her name was Amy Lissow. .

Shawna -Hilton Central School transportation employee, co-worker and friend, driving Bus 58; She made an announcement on scene notifying the Hilton Transportation department via 2-way radio. Every bus driver and student on a bus listening to the 2-way announcemet, knew a bus driver/bicyclist had just crashed his bike. The 2-way radio airwaves buzzed a moment, then went silent as people realized who it was laying on the bridge.

The Hilton Volunteer Ambulance crew, as well as the Emergency room staff at Strong Memorial Hospital were top notch professionals!

No doubt there are others who looked after me, whose identities are unknown to me at this point. I am grateful for their caring help.

I have some aching spots from the crash, in particular my right hip, right shoulder, some joints in both hands and some loose front teeth. Under the circumstance, the interaction with the bridge surface went as well as one could have hoped. My helmet did its job well protecting me from more serious facial and cranial injury.

As I write this account swelling and aching is diminished. I took a Percocet pill about 30 minutes ago and the effect is nice. Since being prescribed the Percocet, I have taken 3 pills during the past 40 hours. After today, Ibuprofen should be sufficient medication for my aches. I will be fine and back to normal by Monday.

The biggest issue of my anxiety has been the damage to the bike.

I have editied and modified this report at 2 AM, Friday 3/26; rewriting again at 3 AM Wednesday 3/31 after conversing with Justin -one of my HS bus riders; Additionally, Justin is a Hilton Fire Department volunteer. I have written this account from recollection and conversations with Speer, Maier, Lissow, and Justin.

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