Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 6.07 miles Time: 00:38:00 Max Speed: 29.60 mph
Avg Speed: 9.58 mph Temp: Avg: 39
Category: general: errand - solo
Route: Adams Basin Post office Weight: 235 Altitude Gain: 0 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 400 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills Bike: Specialized 40lb-Globe 700c Hybrid Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: light rain; N/NNW light winds
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<< Prev Blog  Wednesday, March 19, 2008  Next Blog >>
 ...descending into the unknown, and climbing back ;
On Wednesday March 5th I began to feel a bit feverish by late afternoon... I went to bed early(6pm).

On Thursday morning March 6th it felt like a flu (influenza). I remember talking to Grego about the unreliability of this years flu shot and he reminded me that I only paid $20 for the privilege of getting one. I was back to bed early. I was running a temperature of over 100 but felt that it could help this "flu" run its course. So I didn't take any fever reducer overnight with the intention of "burning-it-out".

Friday morning I had a bad case of the "flu" but I actually figured I could tough out the split shift using the "Aspirin and Sucrets" regimen and make it to the weekend to finish this convalescent thing. That was the goal,

Between shifts on Friday March 7th I rested in bed. During work shifts I limited extremely, my exposure to others! I was starting to get horse a bit trying to clear my throat so much, my sore throat was increasing too.
By Friday afternoon I noticed a red itchy rash was developing on my neck. My face and palms were a bit itchy too, and my wrists, underarms, crotch...like an allergic reaction I suppose.
At 5pm Friday, I measured my temperature at 104.5 degrees. Pretty hot! The hope was that the fever would kill the infection. By the start of the evening I was whipped. Ginny brought home some Chloraseptic lozenges for my throat. I had increasing lung issues at night. I was coughing up some of the Gooiest, caramel colored lung butter in quantities that looked like it was squeezed from a tube. Lung involvement is "full-blown". "What a difference 12 hours make"!

Saturday March 8th it snowed a load around here. Ginny decided to stay home from her usual Saturday routine to look after me. I was feeling no worse, but no better either. Rash was becoming more noticeable and my sore throat pain was increasing. I used up the last of the Guaifenesin syrup. I cleared the driveway with the snow-thrower late in the afternoon and brought in the newspaper and mail. Still feverish, thinking this is more than a flu and wishing I had easier access to Antibiotics. Maybe one more good nights rest and I'll have this thing "sweat-out"...

Let me recap my therapy to this point: Plenty of bed rest, limited use of Aspirin and NSAID's, Vitamin "C", and delicious Guaifenesin syrup. My stomach was souring up overnight from a combination of my disease, and the medications. Also my caloric consumption for the past couple of days has been reduced. Ginny's been cooking with a lot of hot pepper and tons of raw onion thinking this would be helpful for the lungs. It usually is very effective.

Chest congestion increased overnight overnight Saturday-Sunday.

Sunday morning March 9th I was at my lowest point things seemed to be spiraling out of control a bit I needed help quick! I got out of bed and made coffee at 7 am. I knew for sure I needed some antibiotics. Ginny was up shortly after me. She usually sleeps until at least 8 on Sunday morning we talked about seeing the doctor soon. I went out to clear the driveway. It had snowed another load overnight.

About 8:30am headache, feverish, sore throat, highly congested;. I asked Ginny to call Doc Peterson's office for a referral to a place to get treatment ASAP.

By 10:15 am Sunday Ginny was getting a bit tense about the phone-tag situation by the time she completed arrangements for me to visit an after hours medical facility. The place was called "After Hours medical care". Turns out to be a nice facility.

We arrived for my 12:15 appointment, The receptionists was extraordinary pleasant. The place was spacious and near empty. Nearby the bathrooms someone had recently puked (couldn't make those last 10feet in, must be.), it seemed as if some type of "disinfective/neutralizer" was sprinkled on it, could use some of that stuff on School bus just in case...

It must be noted all the medical personnel seemed competent at the "after Hours medical Facility. Doc Joe Ndongwa was top quality! He took my history. Then doc Joe told my wife (tongue in cheek but incredulous about my savoir-faire), that if ever again I run a fever 104+ and don't call a physician immediately, she should call 911 and have me taken away. His medical treatments saved my life -I am grateful. I never felt the fever would have long term negative effects and thought that letting it run it's course could be beneficial -perhaps that was foolish reasoning.

Sunday afternoon March 9th
, called Head Bus Driver Paula Schroth, left a message I would not be able to work for the week.

At 3:15pm Sunday The miracle cure began. Doc Joe Ndongwa prescribed prescribed the antibiotic Azithromycin, and some Cheratussin AC - using that "controlled substance"will keep me out of work while I'm on it . Additionally he prescribed, Prednisone and Claritin, to alleviate symptoms of my condition.

By 3am Monday March 10th my lungs were loosening up!
At 3pm Monday, steady improvements are being made, still no voice, the rash is lessening, The turnaround in my overall feeling has been incredible! Is the Prednisone contributing to these elated feelings? "What a difference 12 hours make"!

Great strides on Tuesday March 11th with indoor and outdoor exercising(4.5 miles on the indoor bike @ 60 watts; 12.15 miles in 67 minutes outdoors). PREDNISONE influence?

Wednesday March 12th stayed indoors; (Ginny was not feeling well -sore throat and chest congestion).

Continuing to feel a little better everyday.

Thursday March 13th
, Took the last Azithromycin pills this morning(5 day antibiotic). Not sure when I'll exactly be alright to return to work. My voice is either a whisper or a forced croak at this point -improving daily though. Ginny made a follow-up appointment for me to see Doc Peterson, Wed 3/19.

Friday March 14th still no "voice"; Sleeping 12-14 hours a day, taking cough syrup

Saturday March 15th very hoarse(no voice), lung congestion, coughing, 2 hour bike riding, afterward lungs felt better, Sweating profusely during moderate/mild exertion. Weight 235

Sunday March 16th some lung congestion, no voice, recovery feels to be stagnate; 23 minutes on the exercise bike, 83watt output, 127 AHR; Profuse sweating during moderate exercise; no fever

Monday March 17th 14 hours sleep last night, no voice, lungs still somewhat congested in afternoon; weight 233; 55 minute bike ride (10.5 miles);

Tuesday March 18th 12 hours sleep, still no voice, lungs started tightening up (wheeze) in late afternoon; weight 235;

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