Ride Stats |
34.98 miles
Altitude Gain:
1,578 ft
Avg Speed:
14.79 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 143 bpm
Avg HR: 100 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Overcast/Showers 61 F SW wind @ 6 mph |
Forecast had been for rain all day, but it appeared the new cold front got stalled for a few hours by the south wind, and it opened up a window for a short ride. Another day of slow burn of fat and couldn't decide on a shorter course with some moderate climbing or a few more miles and a gradual climb. Opted for the longer ride. Clouds were quite thick, but it was still warm and there was only a light south wind. Headed south in the wind up the valley to Horseheads then caught the tailwind to Sullivinville. It was pretty much a steady climb for twenty-three miles with and average grade between two and three percent though it does kick up a bit at the top of the climb. Put some effort into the climb once I caught the tailwind but overall, it was very easy pedaling. After the downhill to Alpine Junction, I opted to add some rolling terrain rather than going home on the highway by going to Odessa vis Jackson Hill Road. Unfortunately, my riding window closed before the end of the ride, and I got wet riding into Catherine. The shower let up as I descended into Odessa, but I could see the valley below me to Meckenlenberg was socked in with rain. I missed most of it on the descent back home, but clothing and equipment were covered with mud and fingers were numb as the temperature had dropped with the arrival of the rain. The north wind had returned and the forecast for the next couple of days was for inside riding. Still a good day on the bike as long as I don't pick up a chill.
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