Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 45.02 miles Altitude Gain: 1,498 ft Avg Speed: 15.89 mph
Route: Capitol Rail Trail Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 146 bpm Avg HR: 115 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sun\Clouds 66 F N wind @ 7 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, October 10, 2024  Next Blog >>
 Capital Rail Trail
Left South Carolina and headed to Williamsburg, VA my next base for the upcoming metric century on Saturday. Stopped in Charles City, VA for a ride on the Cap-to-Cap Trail that runs between Richmond and Williamsburg. I have often ridden the trail as it has a paved surface and has fifty miles of traffic free riding. The trail is mostly flat but has a few very gently rolling climbs though doubt there is much over three percent. Parked in a lot along the trail at the oldest courthouse in the country. There were a few other riders in the lot either finishing rides or getting ready to ride. Charles City is at the center of the trail and headed west toward Richmond. The trail has been resurfaced since I rode it last May and many of the rough areas caused by tree root growth has been repaired making for a more comfortable ride. The western half of the trail is more rolling tan the stretch toward Williamsburg that is mostly pan flat. The weather was noticeably cooler than the current weather down south but was still great for riding. Passed a couple of dozen riders on my out and back route but it was mostly touring types and an occasional E-bike. Ended up going to Dorey Park before turning back. The park is about as far west as I go anymore as I have ridden the entire trail to the end in Richmond but avoid the area now. Once past the park the trail occasionally wanders onto urban sidewalks and commercial areas. Ride turned out to be a pleasant outing riding through wooded sections and farmland.

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Lifetime: 104,713 mi
Member No. 37801
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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