Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 3.77 miles Time: 00:28:00 Max Speed: 18.86 mph
Avg Speed: 8.08 mph Temp: Avg: 52
Category: general: touring - group
Route: Northhampton - Honest Hill RBC #: 335 Weight: 245 Altitude Gain: 337 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: The "Corps of Codgers"
Weather Conditions: Sunny, cool; 14 mph SSW winds;

Distance: 26.63 miles Time: 02:21:36 Max Speed: 29.21 mph
Avg Speed: 11.28 mph Temp: Avg: 55
Category: general: touring - group
Route: Northhampton - Honest Hill RBC #: 335 Weight: 245 Altitude Gain: 829 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 0 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Rolling Bike: Bianchi 32lb-Castro Valley Road Club: The "Corps of Codgers"
Weather Conditions: Sunny w/increasing warmth; 14mph SSW winds;
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<< Prev Blog  Wednesday, March 30, 2016  Next Blog >>
 First RBC ride this year
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A first ride of the season for most of us. 10 riders included Jerry, Bill, Dave, Jim Kirch, Greg Turner, Brian Hewitt, Gretchen Schauss
Lori Miller, and my childhood buddy Tom.

There were some issues of preparedness: At the start of the ride Lori had no water, Tom had an inadequate amount of water. Along the way, I gave Lori a water bottle with some Seltzer and Cranberry juice. Later, Tom bought some Gatorade and candy bars for her.

Tom started the ride with only a pint of bottled water -Refusing my offer of a 24-ounce bottle of beverage at the ride start from my house. Soon into the ride, Tom suffered leg cramps. Stopping at a convenience store, 20+ miles into the ride, Lori helped him with a "field"(leg) massage. Later when relating that situation to Ginny, she cracked up with my description of Tom's reaction. I said Tom's stance was like that of a dog(Collie?) being groomed after a kennel club showing.

It wasn't until we stopped at the store in Holley that Tom was able to adequately re-hydrate. There we all were, standing outside the Crosby Convenience store, Tom stoically receiving his massage and guzzling Gatorade.

It was a great day cycling, in spite of the pace being slowed significantly from the above-mentioned issues.

This was Tom's longest ride on this bike. As the ride progressed, it seemed clear that there was a combination of factors contributing to his performance issues. The bike needed a seat adjustment and because of that and inadequate hydration, Tom fatigued early. Perhaps it was a combination of inadequate hydration, unfamiliarity with shifting techniques, and Tom's seat height adjustment issue. All of which may have contributed to an improper cadence for climbing which necessitated him to walk up some of the "hills".

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