Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 17.75 miles Time: 00:55:50 Max Speed: 26.67 mph
Avg Speed: 19.07 mph Temp: Avg: 57
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: (WORK) E-Commute Weight: 239 Altitude Gain: 615 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,520 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: partly Sunny, cool;

Distance: 18.65 miles Time: 00:58:06 Max Speed: 27.43 mph
Avg Speed: 19.26 mph Temp: Avg: 84
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: (WORK) E-Commute Weight: 239 Altitude Gain: 634 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,694 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Sun and Clouds -warm; 9 mph SW wind Humidity 43%
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<< Prev Blog  Monday, June 23, 2014  Next Blog >>
 Commuting on an e-bike
Today was a fast morning commute(19.3 mph moving speed), and a faster(19.8 mph moving speed) afternoon commute! That's a total of 35 miles in less than 1:47. The southbound leg of the afternoon ride was into 14 mph southerly winds! That's all 238 pounds of 60 year old me, moving my way down the road going to work and back 2X in a day -on an electric bike.

Along with electric assistance, perhaps the commute speed average was due to favorable winds(when heading northbound), along with a high cadence pedal effort. But balancing the whole commute effort was the ride back. Those Southerly portions of the commute were into a modest elevation rise and strong breezes. Elevation and South winds are definitely a major factor slowing my commutes when using a non-electric-assist bike. Honestly though, biking with an electric bike can be like that every ride.

So sweet it is commuting with an E-Bike! While it is no substitute for social rides, an electric bike raises ones ability to commute faster with less effort. Speed with less effort can be a substantial reason to commute by bike! A dedicated cyclist whom doesn't commute by bike because of the time involved needs to consider the e-bike option.

A bike with a 350 watt front hub motor, significantly neutralizes unfavorable winds. Even with having the most upright profile, and the heaviest configuration of any commuter bike, an e-bike can get you to a destination quick and safely. The energy capacity of an entry level e bike like the Zurich, assists pedal effort and momentum of a rider. Easily enabling a 230+ pound cyclist a capability to travel over 40 miles averaging 16+ mph -all without cramping or special ride recovery effort. No question in my mind that an electric bike is a very capable method for anyone to consider for commuting. The future is here now. E-biking is an alternative for economical transportation needs.

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