Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 41.01 miles Altitude Gain: 2,530 ft Avg Speed: 15.26 mph
Route: Searsburg Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 145 bpm Avg HR: 112 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sun\Clouds 69 F NW wind @ 6 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Wednesday, May 1, 2024  Next Blog >>
 Slow Ride
Went out for another smell the lilac/burn fat ride after yesterday's harder pace. Headed up Old Odessa rather effortlessly and it felt good to be able to climb without struggling even though it was at a mild rate. It was a little cool at the start, but it warmed up nicely when as the sun got higher in the sky. There was a slight northwest wind, but as I am used to riding with double digit wind speeds, it was hardly noticeable. Finished the first thousand-foot climb up SR 228. Had a nice ride through the rollers to Mecklenburg-Perry City- Trumansburg. The dairy farms haven't yet started spreading manure on the corn fields yet, so it was quite pleasant to breath in the various spring smells of the blooming flora. Did the six-mile step climb through Searsburg to the tower at Hector Land Use. Did put in a little effort on this climb and legs responded well. Returned to Montour via CR 4 and CR 7. Had a good run through the crotch-a wicked short steep twisting descent\climb through a glen. You can quickly obtain speeds near fifty and as you near the sharp curve at the bottom it appears you are going too fast to make the turn. Actually, the speed is shed quickly enough on the steep grade as the curve develops that you quickly lose most or all of your speed. It is probably the closest area to get that roller coaster thrill. Finishing the climb out of the crotch can be challenging but once complete its all downhill to home base with the usual fifty mile an hour descent down Skyline. Nice day on the bike and got some decent miles in.

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Lifetime: 104,739 mi
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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