Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 71.57 miles Altitude Gain: 3,513 ft Avg Speed: 15.81 mph
Route: Cheraw St Pat Metric Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 140 bpm Avg HR: 108 bpm Terrain: Road: Rolling
Bike: Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Sunny 72 F Wind NE @ 7 mph
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<< Prev Ride  Tuesday, October 8, 2024  Next Ride >>
 Cheraw, SC Metric
Took a longer ride today on a local metric course. I had to ride a couple miles from my motel to get to the start in a state park. First couple of miles through the park on the route were rough road with broken pavement and piles of sand. Once out of the park though the secondary road surfaces were mostly in good shape although for some reason unknown to me piles of sand seem to collect at the intersections that require attention to get through safely. Terrain was similar to the hilly section of the ride I did yesterday with rolling climbs under a mile long and only climbing seventy-five feet. There weren't any steep climbs but over a dozen little ones in the first half of the ride. Course worked generally south on secondary roads to the Sand Hills Wildlife Refuge before returning mostly on Highway One. The refuge area was a great area to ride in but the only wildlife I saw was one wading bird doing some fishing. Once through the refuge the course was less interesting as it was head back to the start on the highway. The shoulder was wide and didn't have any traffic issues. There was one two-mile long climb on the highway that included a construction area that gave me a break from just riding through the pines. Appears they are putting in bridges in preparation of turning the highway into a four lane. Turned out to be another good riding day though the wind was blowing harder than it has recently and got twenty miles of moderate headwind. Abandoned the course at the end and headed back to my motel on the highway rather than return on the broken road surface through the state park. Weather was a bit cooler today but still decent.

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Lifetime: 104,713 mi
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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