Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 16.28 miles Time: 00:50:17 Max Speed: 26.86 mph
Avg Speed: 19.43 mph Temp: Avg: 65
Category: general: commute - solo
Route: Commuting to and from Hilton Weight: 241 Altitude Gain: 390 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 1,068 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: Commuter Cycling Century
Weather Conditions: Sunny 14 mph NNE winds
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<< Prev Entry  Thursday, April 30, 2015  Next Entry >>
 With Reasonable Expectations...
I will have a better year than last year.
Last year my YTD mileage amounted to 238.46. This year to date total is 442.63, with most of the miles coming from "Work Commutes" in April. Of course, this April I have had the benefit of electric assistance using my Zurich 350IX.

I strongly believe I expend as much or more effort per minute of commute time using the Zurich, compared to a commute which is unassisted by battery power and an electric hub. The difference is like having a bit of tailwind versus headwind. The main benefit is time spent commuting is about 32% shorter. Shorter commute time and simulated tail winds allow for a more consistent sustained effort. Shorter commutes also enable more time for other activity. On unassisted (non-electric) rides this year I have not experienced any shortcomings in performance. Comparing cycling hours 2014-vs-2015: 21 hours-vs-36.5O hours. Overall conditioning and ability to this point in the season seems to be at least equivalent to past years.

At the very least, I expect to exceed last years mileage in both commutes and recreational rides.

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