Observation and Perspective   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 10.16 miles Time: 00:43:24 Max Speed: 32.63 mph
Avg Speed: 14.05 mph Temp: Avg: 41
Category: training: general - solo
Route: on the Canal Weight: 242 Altitude Gain: 423 ft
Avg Power: 0 W Calories Burned: 609 Avg HR: 0 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat Bike: EG Zurich 350 IX Electric Club: USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Weather Conditions: some sun, and a breezy Chill; NW winds at 16 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Saturday, April 4, 2015  Next Blog >>
 Lifetime Odometer?
On Bikejournal, I see some serious mile numbers from serious cycling brothers and sisters. I love the statistics you can keep on this web site. Stat's are informative and motivational...

And yet, it is impossible for the average serious cyclist to state a totally accurate number of lifetime miles. We can estimate the miles cycled before GPS and bike odometers. Those early years biking were real miles where one developed a passionate cycling ethic. So we make conservative estimates of those earlier non-journaled years. Then there are those indoor so-called "miles"... Hours spent spinning are real effort and time, but there are no miles involved.

Over the past few years, I have been creeping along closing in on 50,000 miles -what I've considered a substantial personal milestone.

I don't bike every day. I tried a few times in past years to do consecutive days and even managed to accrue several hundred consecutive days of at least 10 kilometers. There is a notable health benefit to daily outdoor biking. But there are times it is impossible to accomplish a 6 mile minimum because of weather factors. Of course, there is indoor cycling... But mileage calculations from indoor cycling efforts are guesses and calculation estimates are not real miles.

It looks like this year my lifetime odometer should finally surpass that 50,000 mile post. Occasionally I check the statistic to see how far away I am from there. I share my blog links once in a while. Today when I shared the link I noticed the Lifetime miles statistic misstated the total and included "indoor miles" in the total. So it appears I have passed the 50,000 mile post -but not really!

Lifetime Odometer
All rides?: 50,381 miles
Outdoor rides: 47,382 miles

Sure, if there was a way to accurately convert cycling hours to miles I would have accrued substantially more miles than the "All Rides" statistic. So what? At least the outdoor cycling miles are close to accurate because of journaling these past 13 years...

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Lifetime: 68,501 mi
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Home: Spencerport, NY 
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