Ride Stats |
23.19 miles
Altitude Gain:
1,065 ft
Avg Speed:
17.19 mph
Burch Hill Lower Middle
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 154 bpm
Avg HR: 129 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Cloudy 59 F SSE wind @ 12 mph |
Rained most of the morning but it ended by mid afternoon so went out for a brief wet road ride. Wasn't sure what to expect from the legs, since I had ridden them empty yesterday. Was pleasantly surprised as I headed into the wind toward Millport that they felt pretty good. Just watched the heartrate on my computer and paid attention to nothing else. Kept a smooth fast cadence and went over the rollers in good form. Checked my average when I got to the foot of Johnson Hollow and had a decent fifteen one average. Wasn't going to break any records but it was a good investment despite the headwind. Pushed hard up the steep part of the climb and thought an eighteen average would be a great doable result if the legs held out. Didn't do as well out of the saddle as I would have hoped, but legs recovered quickly and put in a strong second of three segments. Didn't really lose much speed over the short climbing sections of the hollow. Finished the uphill section with a fifteen nine average. Last seven miles is mostly fast downhill although there is a half mile climb and two miles of flatland at the finish. If I could average in the mid twenties over the section I thought the eighteen was still possible. Things got a bit rough on the mile and a half fast decent which wasn't as fast as it should have been, Usually can descend in the low forties but hit some swirling crosswinds and had trouble keeping the speed in the low thirties. Ended up at the foot of the descent with a seventeen three with two miles of headwind left, so things didn't look too promising. Hit the final redlight red and that pretty much killed my slim chance. Had trouble getting back up to speed in the headwind and ended up struggling and losing rather then gaining time. Still finished with a seventeen two. Not really very fast but as I have been pushing hard to get the average up to fifteen lately, I can only see today as a step in the right direction. Legs felt great for most of the ride. Didn't see any other riders but didn't really expect to as it wasn't an ideal day for a ride.
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