Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 6.18 miles Altitude Gain: 238 ft Avg Speed: 9.51 mph
Route: Montour Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 128 bpm Avg HR: 109 bpm Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Foggy 44 F N wind @ 3 mph
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<< Prev Ride  Thursday, January 25, 2024  Next Ride >>
 Out of the Icebox
After a couple of weeks snow and single digit temperatures and a couple days of heavy rain finally got out for a ride. Had planned on riding the road bike as just had power meters installed on my crankset and wanted to try them out. Unfortunately, although the rain had stopped there was still one-hundred percent humidity. The streets were still wet with puddles of salt water and large amounts of grit. Opted for the mountain bike instead. Really don't know the difference between fog and low-lying clouds. Visibility at ground level was limited by my failing eyesight but nothing was visible above fifty feet. Rode up Main St and did a short section of trail then did a loop around Havana Glen Park and headed home. I was really disappointed I didn't take the road bike out but should have a chance tomorrow if it goes into the fifties as predicted. Really looking forward to heading out of town on the open road. Winter is returning on Saturday so tomorrow will be the last sensible day for a while.

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Lifetime: 104,748 mi
Member No. 37801
Member since: Dec 2009
Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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