Ride Stats |
8.97 miles
Altitude Gain:
336 ft
Avg Speed:
9.08 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 140 bpm
Avg HR: 116 bpm
Terrain: Off: XC
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Light Snow 34 F S wind @ 4 mph |
Wanted to get out before the snowfall started but was late as usual. Temperature was a little above freezing and there was only a light wind. Started off with a loop around the Bird Trail then headed through the swamp on the pipeline access road on the east side of the canal. Saw a walker on the road and figured he was some kind of loon. Appeared to be a young lad but was wearing short shorts with bare legs. I often encounter runners in the winter wearing shorts but not walkers. I guess people also assume I am a loon by riding outside but at least I am adequately outfitted. Passed out of the north end of the swamp into Clute Park on the shores of Seneca Lake. Made a loop through the park and headed home via the Rock Cabin Road. Had a little trouble climbing one hill caused by some ice, but I avoided falling. Hate to fall in cold weather as it hurts twice as bad, unless falling into a snowbank. Saw a runner on Rock Cabin, and he was wearing proper gear. Nice ride but feet were getting a little cold at the end of the ride.
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