Ride Stats |
5.19 miles
Altitude Gain:
156 ft
Avg Speed:
8.32 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 132 bpm
Avg HR: 111 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Gravity Fat
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Overcast 34 F N wind @ 10 mph |
We got about five inches of snow last night and it messed up my schedule. Had planned on doing some race pace on the trainer, but due to sketchy road conditions and the flu being passed around, nobody showed up. Was pretty bummed out. Took the fat bike out after running the snowblower and made a loop around town. Snow was already turning to slush and there was a cold north wind. I did not have a good time. Don't really see the appeal of fat bikes as they are hard to pedal and steer like a barge. They do go through the snow better than my mountain bike, and I have less fear of falling but don't see too many rotations of the fat bike forthcoming.
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