Ride Stats |
5.63 miles
Altitude Gain:
190 ft
Avg Speed:
9.75 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 126 bpm
Avg HR: 103 bpm
Terrain: Road: Flat
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Overcast 34 F S wind @ 10 mph |
Temperature rose to slightly above freezing, so I opted for an outdoor ride as opposed to riding the couch. I guess the fifty-degree weather from last week spoiled me because I really didn't enjoy the day today. Haven't seen any blue sky since the three minutes or so I saw last Friday. Wind, despite being from the south, drove the windchill temperature into the twenties. Adding in the high humidity made the ride unpleasant, but I was dressed sufficiently that it wasn't unbearable. Made a brief ride up the main drag did a short section of trail and headed home. Ground Hog's Day is fast approaching which is good since I am officially sick of winter even though this has been an extremely mild one. Starting to fill in the summer schedule and am anxious to get back in shape this year. I have another month of weightlifting and the three days of high intensity indoor riding but either have to start riding longer slow rides outside or on indoors on the trainer. It's a competition between boredom or cold. Opting for boredom after today.
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