Ride Stats |
53.14 miles
Altitude Gain:
2,465 ft
Avg Speed:
17.13 mph
Avg Grade: 0 %
Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 158 bpm
Avg HR: 131 bpm
Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road
Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club |
Weather Conditions: Overcast\Light Shower 59 F NW wind @ 5 mph
Resting heart rate was more reasonable today but weight was starting to climb after a rest day followed by a short ride. Decided to do a moderately lengthy ride and hopefully burn some calories. Weather was not the best for riding with a cool temperature, north wind, and high humidity. Intended to ride the Interlaken-Lodi loop that has a couple of climbs but is mostly mildly rolling. Started up Old Odessa staying in the saddle and was surprised that I was climbing at about the same rate I usually do standing. Rolled over the steep section in good shape and decided to see if the legs were able to keep producing over the next mile of upgrade to Odessa. Looked like I would be able to get the eleven average that I tried hard for last week and failed. Put in a good effort and ended up with an eleven point four. Quite happy with the climb I kept up the effort up the grade of SR 228 and was hoping to get the average past twelve at the next checkpoint. I had to sprint the final quarter mile and was able to just make a thirteen average. At the next checkpoint at Mecklenburg last week, I had a sixteen two average. Last week I had a good tailwind on the section but today it was into a light headwind. Thought it would really show an improvement if I could beat that and get a record of seventeen for myself. It wasn't to happen though. Instead of pushing thirty with the tailwind, I could only get the top speed in the mid-twenties which of course meant I was carrying less momentum into the rolling climbs. I ended up with a fifteen point nine that is actually a good time for me but always want to do better. Still felt pretty good and slowed the pace down a bit as I rode through a light shower on the way to Perry City. Kept a good pace to Interlaken and had a decent long, shallow in the saddle climb to Lodi. Had visions of finally getting an elusive eighteen average with a strong tailwind aided decent back to Watkins. Unfortunately, the headwind I had pushed on the way up had changed a little and was blowing from the west giving me twenty miles of crosswind. The magic had also drained from my legs and wasn't generating the speed I needed to get the eighteen. Plan B was to try to keep it above seventeen. Had a strong climb out of Valois so though the legs couldn't generate a lot of speed they were still working well in the climbs. Decided to do another climb up Tug Hill Road to Burdett rather than chance losing my average going through traffic in Watkins. Made the turn into the hill and found a road closed sign. Turned back and went through Watkins. I did get through without any big delays and got my seventeen. I was quite pleased with the climbing and hope it continues to improve. My sprinting is suffering but in the big picture I think it is better to finish in the middle of the second pack rather than winning the sprint of the third pack.
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