2023 Journal - bikerjohn
viewed 1078 times
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Ride Date Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route
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Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
20.41 01:23:51 27.60 14.60 Humid and sunny Avg: 66
training: general - solo (ATB) Std 235 419 108 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
team bikejournal
10.20 00:38:34 28.80 15.87 sunny, light WNW breeze Avg: 71
training: general - solo Commuting to and from Hilton 235 225 127 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
The "Corps of Codgers"
63.90 04:26:57 28.70 14.36 overcast w/light Westerly breeze Min: 71
Max: 77
general: touring - group Eastbound 100k towpath/trail tour 235 1,080 107 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced Rip Current S
The "Corps of Codgers"
Comments: Cycling the Erie Canal tour came through today. I shadowed 30+ miles of the route and totaled a 100k ride doing so.
3.71 00:21:29 26.10 10.36 sunny SSE breeze Avg: 70
general: errand - solo (ATB) Std 235 125 86 0 0 Road: Flat Specialized 40lb-Globe
700c Hybrid
Cycle Time Century
Comments: dropped off the Forester for NYSI and some oil.
12.52 00:41:00 30.90 18.32 sunny Avg: 73
training: general - solo on the Canal 235 221 164 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
USA Towpath and Trail Riders association
Comments: Hammering the pedals
0.75 00:04:12 21.90 10.80 Sunny and warm Min: 87
Max: 89
general: errand - solo errand 234 27 94 0 0 Road: Flat Specialized 40lb-Globe
700c Hybrid
Cycle Time Century
Comments: picked up the Forester after new tires were installed.
3.72 00:20:04 25.50 11.12 warming and sunny Min: 63
Max: 66
general: errand - solo errand 234 125 85 0 0 Road: Flat Specialized 40lb-Globe
700c Hybrid
Cycle Time Century
56.80 03:44:32 29.80 15.18 Sunny and light lake breezes. Min: 70
Max: 80
general: touring - group Hamlin loop 234 0 0 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
The "Corps of Codgers"
Comments: Starting from home I headed east and north. 15.5 miles into the ride I met up Bob H. and Bob D. and we headed west on Edgemere past Kim's neck o' the woods, Past Sally's house and through the marina as we headed south, and west, and north again circumventing Braddock Bay. On Moul road we made a stop near Jerry V's old homestead. Eventually we stopped at the Moscow Road POW Camp and headed back through Hamlin. Reaching West Avenue in Hilton I head south and home. Stopping at Griff's on the ridge to savor a Brown IPA along the way.
12.23 00:46:52 34.20 15.66 Sunny dry and cool morning Min: 63
Max: 65
training: general - solo (ATB)Hill & Towpath 234 388 133 0 0 Road: Flat  Juiced CCX
Cycle Time Century
Comments: https://www.strava.com/activities/9549900878
July Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
9 184.24 12:27:31 34.20 14.92 n/a Min: 63
Avg: 70
Max: 89
n/a n/a 235 2,610 113 0 0 n/a n/a n/a
YTD Rides Distance (miles) Ride Time (hh:mm:ss) Max Speed (mph) Average Speed (mph) Weather Conditions Temp (F) Ride Category Route Weight (lbs) Altitude Gain (ft) Average Power (W) Calories Burned (kcal) Average Heart Rate (bpm) Ride Type Bike Club Affiliation
81 1,094.65 76:38:27 37.50 14.47 n/a Min: 37
Avg: 60
Max: 90
n/a n/a 236 18,227 122 3,493 101 n/a n/a n/a
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