Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 8.55 miles Altitude Gain: 210 ft Avg Speed: 8.95 mph
Route: Bad Indian Swamp Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 0 bpm Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Off: Flat
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Rain 39 F NW wind @ 7 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Friday, April 16, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Bike Building
It was a bit on the cold side for most of the day with the forecast for continual rain. Weather folk forecast that it might let up late in the day. Really didn't want to go out today but figured I'd wait until late as have a long streak of riding outside and didn't want to break it. Plan B started to come together when some of the parts for my mountain bike that I am rebuilding came in. Have most of the parts except for a brake rotor that has been sitting in a Korean Post Office for a few days. Started to assemble the parts I had and figured riding the mountain bike in the rain wouldn't be so bad. Also was anxious to try out disc brakes as my cantilever brakes have been less than effective. Pretty sure the return springs have sprung and it causes them to rub on the rims occasionally. Had enough parts to do one wheel and chose the back. Ran into a problem when I couldn't get the old pedals out of the crank arms I'm replacing and ended up putting on some old road pedals I had on the shelf. Got the drive train assembled but didn't have time to adjust the derailleurs due to an MIA 2 mm allen wrench. Shifted okay in the mid range gears and that was better than my old drive train worked so good to go. Didn't have the hydraulic fittings I needed to shorten and route the disc brake cable and so taped it to the frame with electrical tape. No duct tape was used as this is a high class operation. Also selected the cantilever brake arms that had the most spring left and reinstalled on the front. Finally got out into the cold rain a little after six which left enough time for a short ride. I was quite impressed with the disc brake that actually were effective in the rain unlike the rim brake. Rode down through Bad Indian Swamp on the new gravel road that was installed when they ran the sewer extension line through the swamp. Returned on the rail to trail and crossed the new cycling bridge they installed to access the marina road and bird trail. Returned home cold and soaking wet but not nearly as cold as I had been yesterday on the road bike. Finished tuning the derailleurs and ordered some new pedals and hydraulic fittings. Rebuild is going to cost about three times what I had budgeted by the time I get done but really don't have anything else to spend my money on so what the hey.

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Lifetime: 104,697 mi
Member No. 37801
Member since: Dec 2009
Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
Road bike
Schuyler County Cycling Club

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