Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 23.21 miles Altitude Gain: 2,087 ft Avg Speed: 14.23 mph
Route: Dug Road-Bronson Hill Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 164 bpm Avg HR: 130 bpm Terrain: Road: Hills
Bike: custom built Cipollini RB800 Road Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Cloudy 46 F WNW wind @ 6 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Tuesday, April 20, 2021  Next Blog >>
 Snow Coming
Forecast is for rain changing to snow later tonight and getting a couple inches possibly of the white stuff tomorrow. Took a short very hard ride on my short hilly course time trial. Put the winter gear on an it wasn't really too bad weather wise as the wind was only blowing about half its usual rate. There was definitely a chill in the air though. Started on my short three climb course up Dug Road over the hill in Moreland on a step climb and finally a short Steep climb up Bronson Hill descending to Townsend then Watkins Glen. Goal for the day was to try for a fifteen mile an hour average which in my younger days may have felt tame but now it is a good challenge for my old legs. Started the steep section on Genesee St out of the saddle and made good time. Sat and pushed for the next mile and a half and felt good about it until I glanced at my speed and saw it was well below were it should be on the shallower sections of the climb. Crested with a nine two average and it did not bode well. Not much chance to make the fifteen total without at least a ten over the first climb. I was a bit discouraged as I was only three miles into a twenty plus mile course and would almost certainly fail at my goal. No way to put the time back in the bottle once it gets out. Kept pounding the pedals though and had a decent climb out of Moreland. After the second climb there is a downhill section to the bottom of the third climb and went into the third climb with an eleven eight. Unfortunately I realistically needed to be in the twelves to have a chance. I was satisfied with my climb up Bronson and crested at the speedway with an eleven after a mile of short but nasty climb. Did the math though and it didn't look good for the fifteen as I would have to average in the upper twenties for the last ten miles. Hammered the downhills as about as fast as I am ever going to be able to do but it wasn't enough. Actually probably did better than normal as with no sun I was able to read the road better and didn't have to be afraid of hitting a pothole that might be hiding in a shadow on a sunny day. Felt strong at the end but was only able to finish with a fourteen three. Probably could have gone a little faster on the last two miles of flats through the swamp but still was satisfied with the ride except for the first climb. Enjoyed the day but got a bit of work to do before my first race.

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Lifetime: 104,757 mi
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Home: Montour Falls, NY 
Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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