Texas Canine Ambush   
 Ride Stats
Distance: 8.04 miles Altitude Gain: 310 ft Avg Speed: 9.20 mph
Route: Bad Indian Swamp Avg Grade: 0 % Max Grade: 0 %
Max HR: 0 bpm Avg HR: 0 bpm Terrain: Off: XC
Bike: Tomac Buckshot XC Mtn Club: Schuyler County Cycling Club
Weather Conditions: Snow Showers 37 F WNW wind @ 18 mph
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<< Prev Blog  Thursday, April 22, 2021  Next Blog >>
Another not so pleasant spring day though it is a big improvement over yesterday. Wind is blowing hard and steady out of the West North West with occasional higher gusts. My front brake rotor for my mountain bike finally made its way from Korea to my mailbox by mid afternoon. Installed the rotor and brakes after trashing the cantilevers and swapped out my tire on to the new rim. Thought about riding the trail to Pine Valley again to try the new stuff out but was discouraged by the raging winds, opted instead to check out the bird trail single track. Definitely made the right choice as someone has been at the bird trail with a chainsaw and now can ride the trail without dismounting. Couldn't hear or even feel the wind in the thick growth and it made for pleasant riding. Unfortunately the trail is less than a mile long and though I thought about doing some laps, I crossed the Scary Bridge of Certain Doom and journeyed anew into Bad Indian Swamp. Had to dismount to get across the bridge as it is pretty rickety and my handlebars barely clear the handrails. Swamp was decent again and scattered the geese once more on my way to Watkins. Instead of coming back on the rail to trail I came back on Rock Cabin. Seemed odd to ride it without it being covered in ice and snow. Power company must have been doing some maintenance on the road as it was in a pretty good condition. Didn't really get to check my brakes out as with the wind blowing so hard all I had to do to slow was stop pedaling. Bike performed well though it was making a couple of occasional odd noises. Not familiar enough with disc brakes to know if it is unusual or not. Ride was very short and even saw the sun for a bit. Looked for a snowbow but couldn't find one. Much better day than yesterday mainly because the paved roads were dry.

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Lifetime: 104,739 mi
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Look Blade RS 795 Iconic Ltd
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Schuyler County Cycling Club

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